
*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* और कछुवा सब ओर से अपने अंगों को जैसे समेट लेता है, वैसे ही जब यह पुरुष इन्द्रियों के विषयों से इन्द्रियों को सब प्रकार से हटा लेता है, तब उसकी बुद्धि स्थिर है (ऐसा समझना चाहिए)। *अध्याय- 2 श्लोक- 58* Download Bhagavad Gita App https://ift.tt/3c3LPWB

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Kamsa, the self-proclaimed tyrant king of Mathura sent rakshasas time and again to Gokula and Vrindavan to annihilate Krishna, but Krishna very easily destroyed them all. Furious that all his plans and schemes had failed, Kamsa decided to bring Krishna to Mathura. He conceived of a plan to destroy Krishna. Kamsa arranged for a Dhanur… Krishna and Akrura! https://ift.tt/3c1WpgG

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“My dear Krishna, Your Lordship has protected us from a poisoned cake, from a great fire, from cannibals, from the vicious assembly, from sufferings during our exile in the forest and from the battle where great generals fought. And now You have saved us from the weapon of Ashvatthama.” (Queen Kunti, Shrimad Bhagavatam, 1.8.24) Download… God Plus One Is A Majority https://ift.tt/34uskSL

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We’ve touched upon an important point in the previous episode wherein we’ve witnessed how Chintayanti had attained “Moksha”. In this, although Bhagawan Bala-Krishna played an important role seemingly, her “Karma” accounts played a bigger role. Chintayanti was able to attain “Moksha” only when both her “Papa” and “Punya” accounts were nullified. This is an important […] Episode # 205 – Complete surrender to Bhagawan is the ONLY way to neutralize our “Karma” accounts!!! https://ift.tt/34xyL7z

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montaj : omuldinnord „Covid-19 a schimbat modul în care este condusă lumea. Au fost retrasate și granițele lumii (inclusiv limitele libertăților noastre), iar regulile jocului se schimbă atât de repede, încât nu mai putem ține pasul. Datorită alianțelor profunde și, în multe cazuri, secrete dintre guvernul SUA și alte state și corporații globale, a devenit […] – „ Statul Profund Global , această cabală puternică ” – https://ift.tt/2R5rn0j

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Kṛṣṇa is popularly known to have been born in Mathurā to Devakī in Kaṁsa’s prison. But the ācāryas explain that He was also born in Gokula. Here we examine this extraordinary concept. The main reason for proposing that two Kṛṣṇas were born is to reconcile two statements in the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam. First, it is well […] Kṛṣṇa was born simultaneously in Gokula and in Mathurā https://ift.tt/3uBP4Lc

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– A commando study: Nanobots from vaccines, extract iron from our blood: Magnetic hydrogel; The magnetization phenomenon of Covid vaccines – – The Man from the North https://ift.tt/34wwWI0

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