
*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* संजय बोले- रणभूमि में शोक से उद्विग्न मन वाले अर्जुन इस प्रकार कहकर, बाणसहित धनुष को त्यागकर रथ के पिछले भाग में बैठ गए ॐ तत्सदिति श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतासूपनिषत्सु ब्रह्मविद्यायां योगशास्त्रे श्रीकृष्णार्जुनसंवादेऽर्जुनविषादयोगो नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः।। *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 47* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/2WFSuBv

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“Shri Narada Muni personally experienced that the most feasible and practical way to open the path of salvation or get relief from all miseries of life is to hear submissively the transcendental activities of the Lord from the right and bona fide sources.” (Shrila Prabhupada, Shrimad Bhagavatam, 1.5.32 Purport) Download this episode (right click and… What Is A Bona Fide Source For Spiritual Knowledge https://ift.tt/379s25h

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed Sage Veda-Vyaasa sitting on the top of Badrinath Kshetra amidst a tunnel and writing the Mahabharata text. As Sage Vyaasa was writing the text, the River Saraswati which was running with a lot of fury was causing a sort of a disturbance to him. Annoyed by this, Sage […] Episode # 9 – Introduction to MAHABHARATA Part 9 – Entering into the “Aadhi Parva”!!! https://ift.tt/2V7h6CJ

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* यदि मुझ शस्त्ररहित एवं सामना न करने वाले को शस्त्र हाथ में लिए हुए धृतराष्ट्र के पुत्र रण में मार डालें तो वह मारना भी मेरे लिए अधिक कल्याणकारक होगा। *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 46* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/3j3ulfC

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30.iulie.2021 „Populația lumii este: 7.874.965.825 persoane (7,8 miliarde) Cercetătorii susțin că 27,1% din populația lumii a fost deja vaccinată împotriva Covid-19. – Dacă datele sunt corecte, aceasta înseamnă că 2,1 miliarde de persoane au fost deja vaccinate. Potrivit unor cercetători, decesele cauzate de vaccin vor avea loc în următorii 3-10 ani datorită faptului că sistemul […] – Globaliștii vor exterminarea omenirii – https://ift.tt/3ffs3ZU

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– The globalists want the extermination of humanity – – The Man from the North https://ift.tt/2WtL04i

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“Shrimati Kunti Devi has prayed to the Lord just to enunciate a fragment of His glories. All His devotees worship Him in that way, by chosen words, and therefore the Lord is known as Uttamashloka. No amount of chosen words is sufficient to enumerate the Lord’s glory, and yet He is satisfied by such prayers… Four Ways I Can Deliver The Truth https://ift.tt/3BV8KP6

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“All of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ are bioweapons. Graphene oxide is not listed in the patent applications because it is poisonous to humans, and because it is the main ingredient in the hydrogel which can be used to create a brain-computer interface and a drug delivery system. There are 4 ‘lipid’ nanoparticles in the COVID-19 vaccines. […] FORMER PFIZER EMPLOYEE SPEAKS OUT ON DEADLY COVID VAX ‘BIOWEAPONS’: „They’re Just Seeing How Much They Can Put Into People Before They Die.” https://ift.tt/3iW5FWc

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed that the Mahabharata is nothing but a detailed conversation between Sage Vaishampayana and King Janame-Jaya. We’ve witnessed that King Janame-Jaya was the son of King Parikshit, who engaged with a pivotal conversation with Sage Shukaachaarya, that resulted in the great “Shrimad Bhaagawatha Puraana”. King Parikshit, as we might […] Episode # 8 – Introduction to MAHABHARATA Part 8 – Sage Vyasa curses River Saraswati!!! https://ift.tt/3ldK4eO

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Śrīla Prabhupāda said: In the Śrī Īśopaniṣad this same spirit is described as follows: "Whatever we see existing throughout the universe is intrinsically the property of the supreme enjoyer, and one may enjoy a thing that is kindly given by Him, but one must never touch the property of others." Message of Godhead-His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda https://ift.tt/3j7R6PL

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Śrīla Prabhupāda said: In the Śrī Īśopaniṣad this same spirit is described as follows: "Whatever we see existing throughout the universe is intrinsically the property of the supreme enjoyer, and one may enjoy a thing that is kindly given by Him, but one must never touch the property of others." Message of Godhead-His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda https://ift.tt/3BW4nmN

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“Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Brahman, the ultimate, the supreme abode and purifier, the Absolute Truth and the eternal divine person. You are the primal God, transcendental and original, and You are the unborn and all-pervading beauty. All the great sages such as Narada, Asita, Devala, and Vyasa proclaim this of You, and now… How Did Arjuna Know That Krishna Wasn’t Bluffing https://ift.tt/3ibvlPv

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed the continuation of Sage Vyaasa’s significance and how his own father, Sage Paraashara talks highly of him. Readers might be wondering as to why are we giving so much of emphasis on Sage Vyaasa’s significance. In fact, we’ve spoken about Sage Vyaasa for the past six episodes in […] Episode # 7 – Introduction to MAHABHARATA Part 7 – Conversation between Sage Vaishampayana & Sage Janame-Jaya!!! https://ift.tt/2TFwdCA

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28.iulie.2021 După cum observați, după publicarea listei de condamnări cu ceva timp în urmă, justiția militară continua să-I condamne pe cei implicați în pedofilie și traffic de copii. A venit rândul și actorului Tom Hanks, un apropiat al reginei reptiliene a UK și un notoriu participant la tot felul de ritualuri satanice. Actorul Tom Hanks […] – O alta informatie conform sursei , care spune ca : Militarii l-au executat pe actorul Tom Hanks – https://ift.tt/3xft4ai

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27.iulie.2021 Omul care se numește președinte, Joseph R. Biden, nu a pus niciodată piciorul în Casa Albă reală, acum poate raporta Real Raw News. Imediat după rezultatele alegerilor prezidențiale din 2020, armata SUA și-a asumat controlul provizoriu asupra Casei Albe, pe fondul îngrijorărilor că Biden și aliații săi din Deep State au furat alegerile. În […] – Militarii americani dețin Casa Albă pentru întoarcerea lui Trump – https://ift.tt/3iOlVIM

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– Militarii americani dețin Casa Albă pentru întoarcerea lui Trump – – Omul Din Nord https://ift.tt/372KE71

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– The US military owns the White House for Trump’s return – – The Man from the North https://ift.tt/3lacF4R

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“O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 2.14) Download this episode (right… Four Ways The Seasons Attack Me https://ift.tt/2Wykmrj

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed how Sage Vyaasa authored the Mahabharata text. His initial work was segregating the Vedas into a readable and a comprehensible format. After this great work, Sage Vyaasa thought that he should simplify the Vedas into a text that is more understandable for people of future generations. With this […] Episode # 6 – Introduction to MAHABHARATA – Part 6 – How and from where did it all begin? https://ift.tt/2Vig2vC

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Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer Submitted on July 26, 2021 GROWING UNREST IN FRANCE Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899 Unrest is growing in the French Foreign Legion and Regular Army as a result of Court Martials of dissident officers in military over vaccinations and crime waves in French cities… Growing Unrest in France https://ift.tt/3f2CdwR

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500,000 Deaths after „Vaccination”, Doctors & Lawyers Claim. The Treatments was Intentionally Suppressed Awakening Channel – 500,000 Deaths After „Vaccination”, Doctors and Lawyers Claim https://ift.tt/3zCyJsI

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While you were distracted by the scamdemic, the banksters have been working on the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world. It’s called the Going Direct Reset, and it’s going to fundamentally transform the monetary system as we know it. Today Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari.com joins us to talk about this transformation […] JAMES CORBETT ~ Solutions Watch: “Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday” https://ift.tt/3f0Akk1

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“Arjuna said: O descendant of Vrishni, by what is one impelled to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force?” (Bhagavad-gita, 3.36) Download this episode (right click and save) अर्जुन उवाच अथ केन प्रयुक्तो ऽयं पापं चरति पूरुषः अनिच्छन्न् अपि वार्ष्णेय बलाद् इव नियोजितः arjuna uvāca atha kena prayukto ‘yaṁ pāpaṁ carati pūruṣaḥ anicchann… Three Instances Of Acts In Frustration https://ift.tt/2Wgl4Jm

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed the continuation of the significance of Sage Veda-Vyaasa, who had authored this great text called “Mahabharatham”. The work that Sage Vyaasa had done is something that no human being can even comprehend in the mind. Structuring and restructuring the Vedas isn’t a simple task. It requires an enormous […] Episode # 5 – Introduction to MAHABHARATA – Part 5 – From “Vedas” to “Brahma-Sutra” to “Mahabharata”!!! https://ift.tt/3zTiQhR

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25.iulie. 2021 Studiourile de la Hollywood sunt „îmbibate în sângele copiilor nevinovați”, potrivit lui Mel Gibson, care susține că consumul de „sânge de bebeluși este atât de popular în Hollywood încât funcționează practic ca o monedă proprie”. Elitele de la Hollywood sunt un „dușman al omenirii care acționează în mod continuu contrar intereselor noastre” și „rupe fiecare tabu […] – Mel Gibson : Hollywood-ul este „ Bârlogul paraziților ” care „ sărbătoresc cu sângele copiilor ” – https://ift.tt/3BFKrVh

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25.iulie.2021 Această publicare , privește ceea ce voi numi Evil Intelligence ( EI ) . EI are și multe alte nume , inclusiv „ Demiurg ” și „ AntiCrist ” . Aceștia sint probabil toți termenii care descriu același Rău . Folosesc cuvântul „ Rău ” pentru că atunci cind abuzul atinge o anumită extremă , nu am […] – Inteligența malefică – https://ift.tt/3rC9nZm

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26.iulie.2021 Cele cinci rețele de trafic de copii ai Illuminati Ești un copil … Silence Breaks Forth Into Song In (SBFIS Partea 1) Friptura de oală specială a reginei mame a întunericului (SBFIS partea 2) Echilibru (tăcerea se rupe în cântec partea a treia) Forjate prin ruptură (SBFIS partea 4) Cât de profund merge Magik […] – Cele cinci rețele de trafic de copii și structura Illuminati – Informatii uluitoare – https://ift.tt/3zDgV0K

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“Physical presence is sometimes appreciable and sometimes not, but vani continues to exist eternally. Therefore we must take advantage of the vani, not the physical presence. Bhagavad-gita, for example, is the vani of Lord Krishna. Although Krishna was personally present five thousand years ago and is no longer physically present from the materialistic point of… Krishna Is Still Teaching Today https://ift.tt/2UIjv6O

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The prayers of Śrīmatī Devakī to Śrī Kṛṣṇa appear in the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam SB 10.3.24–28. In it, she establishes Śrī Kṛṣṇa as the Supreme Reality, the ultimate object of achievement. We present Śrī Babaji’s translations below. रूपं यत् तत् प्राहुरव्यक्तमाद्यं ब्रह्म ज्योतिर्निर्गुणं निर्विकारम् सत्तामात्रं निर्विशेषं निरीहं स त्वं साक्षाद् विष्णुरध्यात्मदीप: rūpaṁ yat tat prāhur avyaktam […] Śrīmatī Devakī’s Prayers to Śrī Kṛṣṇa https://ift.tt/375SBbe

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed a brief on the structure of the Mahabharata text, which was authored by the great Sage Veda-Vyaasa. We’ve witnessed that the Mahabharata comprises around 1.25 lakh slokas, fit into 18 “Parvas”. Under the ambit of each “Parva”, there would be innumerable “Upa-Parvas”, which would come to around 99 […] Episode # 4 – Introduction to MAHABHARATA Part 4 – An important accord on Sage Vyaasa!!! https://ift.tt/3iG7QNu

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Śrīla Prabhupāda said: According to the laws of man, a person may be hanged when he commits homicide, but he is not hanged when he kills lower animals. But according to the laws of God, one commits the same sin by killing a lower animal as he does by killing a man. We are punished by the laws of God for either action.... https://ift.tt/3BIlg4z

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* हा! शोक! हम लोग बुद्धिमान होकर भी महान पाप करने को तैयार हो गए हैं, जो राज्य और सुख के लोभ से स्वजनों को मारने के लिए उद्यत हो गए हैं। *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 45* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/3iHCciY

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Controlled-opposition agent Stew Peters (i.e Donald Trump, Alex Jones, Robert David Steele, Joe Rogan, Mike Adams, Jimmy Dore) interviews Dr. David Martin about the ‘COVID’ narrative. . . WATCH VIDEO HERE DR. DAVID MARTIN w/ STEW PETERS: „There Is No Virus. This Is Organized Crime.” https://ift.tt/2UCwRBv

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“For one who explains the supreme secret to the devotees, devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Me.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 18.68) Download this episode (right click and save) य इदं परमं गुह्यं मद्-भक्तेष्व् अभिधास्यति भक्तिं मयि परां कृत्वा माम् एवैष्यत्य् असंशयः ya idaṁ paramaṁ guhyaṁ mad-bhakteṣv abhidhāsyati bhaktiṁ… What About Explaining Dharma To Non-Devotees https://ift.tt/3x21P2X

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed the continuation of the detailed introduction that we are giving for this enormous text called “Mahabharata”. In this, we had witnessed the significance of the person who had authored this great text, who is none other than Sage Veda-Vyaasa. We had seen how Sage Vyaasa had obtained the […] Episode # 3 – Introduction to MAHABHARATA – Part 3 – “The fifth Veda”!!! https://ift.tt/3rwp0RX

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“O Janardana, although these men, overtaken by greed, see no fault in killing one’s family or quarreling with friends, why should we, with knowledge of the sin, engage in these acts?” (Arjuna, Bhagavad-gita, 1.37-38) Download this episode (right click and save) यद्य् अप्य् एते न पश्यन्ति लोभोपहत-चेतसः कुल-क्षय-कृतं दोषं मित्र-द्रोहे च पातकम् कथं न ज्ञेयम्… Five Names Of Krishna You Might Come Across In Bhagavad-gita https://ift.tt/3kQizHX

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One of the frequently asked questions in Caitanya Vaiṣṇava circles is about one’s svarūpa. What is the meaning of the word svarūpa? https://ift.tt/3iLscVE

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We commenced a huge project on “Life and Management Lessons from the Mahabharata” yesterday and have begun to witness a detailed introduction for the same. In fact, the “Ithihasa” called “Mahabharata” is so huge that our introduction would itself run into several episodes. Nevertheless, we shall go step by step and understand each and every […] Episode # 2 – Introduction to “MAHABHARATA” Part 2 – Significance of Sage Veda-Vyaasa!!! https://ift.tt/3BtQX1c

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Bomb Disclosure: COVID Vaccines Kill At Least 45,000 People in US | ActiveNews https://ift.tt/36XVPxE

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“Nikola Tesla incarnated into the area known as Croatia with a specific incarnating mission, he is a Christos Starseed from the future timelines on Venus that was sent to Earth to reverse engineer the lost free energy technology used from Atlantis. He is connected to the spiritual families of Christos masters that incarnate into the […] LISA RENEE: „Nikola Tesla Returns” https://ift.tt/3kHXijM

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Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis It’s Rome vs Babylon as Undeclared Western Civil War Reaches Crescendo By Benjamin FulfordJuly 19, 2021 The undeclared civil war in the West has opened a long-hidden schism in Western civilization: the contradiction between Egyptian and Mesopotamian traditions (Babylon) and Greco-Roman-Germanic European traditions (Rome). This schism has been revealed for all… Benjamin Fulford Report: “Undeclared Western Civil War Reaches Crescendo” — July 19, 2021 https://ift.tt/3eMQgWW

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de Ioan Sperling ActiveNews se confruntă cu cenzura pe rețele sociale și pe internet. Intrați direct pe site pentru a ne citi și abonați-vă la buletinul nostru gratuit. Dacă doriți să ne sprijiniți, orice donație este binevenită. Doamne, ajută! Să zicem că tu ai fi unul dintre „stăpânii” lumii și că ai fi ajuns la concluzia că lumea nu ne […] Zgarda cu șocuri electrice universală https://ift.tt/3kKQD8v

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Photos on your website can be a representation of who you are, what you do, or what you love. We want your photos to show to your visitors as best they possibly can, no matter what kind of device they are using. Make Your Best Photos Shine https://ift.tt/3kRgQSL

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“Salokya means that after material liberation one is promoted to the planet where the Supreme Personality of Godhead resides. Samipya means remaining an associate of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Sarupya means attaining a four-handed form exactly like that of the Lord. Sarshti means attaining opulences like those of the Supreme Lord, and sayujya means… Two Possible Paths For The Liberated Soul https://ift.tt/3xZfKrL

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“Ithihaasa puraanaabhyaam vedam shoupabrahmayeth! Vibeh kalpashrutaadvedaha maamayam praharshati!! Naarayanam namaskritya naranchaiva narokthamam! Devim saraswathim vyaasam athojayamudheerayeth!! Shuklaambharadharam vishnum sashivarnam chathur bhujam! Prasanna vadanam dhyaayeth sarva vigna upashaantaye!! Vyaasam vasishtanapthaaram shakeh poutram akalmasham! Paraasharaathmajam vande shuka dhaatham tapo nidhim!!” A very warm welcome to all readers to our fifth important mega-project. Till now, with the divine […] Episode # 1 – MAHABHARATA – A detailed introduction – Part 1!!! https://ift.tt/3y1978y

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* हे जनार्दन! जिनका कुल-धर्म नष्ट हो गया है, ऐसे मनुष्यों का अनिश्चितकाल तक नरक में वास होता है, ऐसा हम सुनते आए हैं। *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 44* Download Bhagavad Gita App: h https://ift.tt/3kGOASR

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Ten Incarnations of Lord Vishnu in Hinduism and the Evolution of Human civilization | Hindu Blog https://ift.tt/3BnjYLY

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“Up until the 1840’s, the American school system was mainly private, decentralized, and home schooling was common. Americans were well educated and literacy rates were high. John D. Rockefeller founded the General Education Board In 1903, which provided major funding for schools across the country and was especially active in promoting the State-controlled public-school system. […] LISA RENEE: „Indoctrination and Capture of the Educational System” https://ift.tt/3BtOB2t

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed Bhagawan Krishna „fooling” everybody at Vidharba and stalking away Rukmini Devi within a jiffy, even before anyone realized what was happening. This type of marriage in our Sanaatana Dharma is referred to as “Raakshasa Vivaaha”. Many of us might be familiar that “Vivaaha” means marriage. In fact, there […] Episode # 259 – Bhagawan Krishna marries Rukmini Devi – End of the “Shri Vishnu Puraana” project!!! https://ift.tt/3wRpz9W

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Śrīla Prabhupāda said: These spiritually cultured people used to do everything for the sake of Visnu. They used to earn wealth according to their capacity for the service of Visnu. With their earnings they used to acquire eatables, and the eatables were cooked for the worship of Visnu. Then the meal offered to satisfy Visnu became prasadam--"the Lord's mercy," the remnants of His meal--and could be accepted by them.... https://ift.tt/3xY0s6N

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River Ganges is respected and adored as Mother Ganga. As a river she is the main source of water especially for the northern part of Bharat. Apart from being a source of water, she has unique properties. Since she flows down through the Himalayan ranges, she carries along with her the inherent and unique properties… Ganga – the Flow of Spiritual Knowledge! https://ift.tt/2UBgO6G

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iulie.20.2021 Dezvăluirea despre OZN-uri: Organizația Națiunilor Unite trebuie să discute despre un protocol de întâmpinare a extraterestrilor pe Pământ! Montreal, 24 iunie 2021 – „Raportul Task Force despre fenomenul aerian neidentificat (UAP) este un adaos oficial excelent la miile de observări OZN raportate în întreaga lume în ultimele decenii și chiar dacă Pentagonul nu recunoaște […] – Dezvăluirea despre OZN-uri : Organizația Națiunilor Unite trebuie să discute despre un protocol de întâmpinare a extraterestrilor pe Pământ ! https://ift.tt/3zlAUAE

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iulie.20.2021 Pruncuciderea și folosirea celulelor de la embrionii avortați vii în procesul de cercetare și dezvoltare a vaccinurilor Pfizer, Moderna și AstraZeneca, nu au trezit din adormire conștiința sinodalilor și preoților BOR, pentru a lua atitudine tranșantă, lipsită de echivoc, împotriva acestor otrăvuri, pe care slugile leviatanului doresc cu ardoare să le inoculeze de-acum înainte […] – Tăcerea martorilor vremurilor din urmă – https://ift.tt/3BoBShw

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“The Blessed Lord said: Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy!” (Bhagavad-gita, 4.5) Download this episode (right click and save) श्री-भगवान् उवाच बहूनि मे व्यतीतानि जन्मानि तव चार्जुन तान्य् अहं वेद सर्वाणि न त्वं वेत्थ परन्तप śrī-bhagavān uvāca bahūni… Why Didn’t Arjuna Ask About His Previous Lives https://ift.tt/3y7pU9K

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In the previous episode, we were at an important juncture wherein Bhagawan Krishna and Rukmini Devi arrive at King Rukmi’s family deity temple, wherein Rukmini Devi had come to offer her oblations as a customary practice before the marriage ceremony commences. Sishupaala was also on his way to the same place with the dream that […] Episode # 258 – Bhagawan Krishna defeats Sishupala & King Rukmi – Takes away Rukmini Devi to Dwaraka!!! https://ift.tt/3eFbVQO

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Śrīla Prabhupāda said: Formerly, the people of India (now misnamed as "Hindus") followed varnasrama-dharma or sanatana-dharma, the system that organizes human affairs according to four social orders and four spiritual orders. Those in the three higher social orders--namely, the brahmanas (the instructive order), the ksatriyas (the administrative order), and the vaisyas (the productive order)--all used to lead the life of Vaisnavism, or centring every action upon the Supreme Deity, Visnu.... https://ift.tt/3izku0H

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„Within the energy matrix of all creation, God source first expresses itself as an eternal field of sound current. The interplay of light and sound must be used together in the creation of energy fields and forms, and thus the male and female principle are always entwined and working together in some capacity in the […] LISA RENEE: „Rediscovering Conscious Sound” https://ift.tt/3zcDp8v

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„To most of the human population, common place black magic satanic rituals that involve the killing and torturing of other human beings, including children, for the purpose of gaining extreme wealth, power and control is just not fathomable. It is very hard for most people to fathom the levels of evil being perpetuated during this phase […] LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): „Kabbalistic Demonology” https://ift.tt/3iw5YH0

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Cititi ! Si dati si altora spre cunoastere ! 19.iulie.20210 Teorie : Noua „ variantă Delta ” este cea pe care o vând … în realitate, ei știu deja că oamenii vor cădea ca muștele când își vor activa noul sistem 5G la putere maximă … în special, cei care sunt înrăiți! Când își vor activa sistemul […] – Conexiune 5G / Illuminati / ” Delta Variant ” pe care trebuie să o vezi acum înainte să fie prea târziu !! https://ift.tt/3hPoQSg

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“When Krishna saw the full moon night of the sharat season, He decorated Himself with various seasonal flowers, especially the mallika flowers, which are very fragrant, He remembered the gopis’ prayers to goddess Katyayani, wherein they prayed for Krishna to be their husband. He thought that the full night of the sharat season was just… Pleasure Is To Be Enjoyed With Many https://ift.tt/3eBfJmc

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed Rukmini Devi getting more and more obsessed with Bhagawan Krishna and eventually she decides to take the offensive route against the wishes of her father and family. She thus calls a “Vriddha Brahmin” person, writes down seven to eight slokas in a sheet of paper, hands it over […] Episode # 257 – A “Make-or-break” situation for Rukmini Devi and Bhagawan Krishna!!! https://ift.tt/2UqMfR6

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„What if every single historical event you learned in the Rockefeller controlled and approved educational curriculum was an utter and total fabrication designed to indoctrinate the human population into the slave class? What if what we were taught about our nation, our culture, our way of life on the Earth, our beliefs in medicine, history, […] LISA RENEE: „War over Free Energy, Moon as a Weapon” https://ift.tt/3eyf05o

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Donald J. Trump’s re-inauguration is imminent, and his first presidential duty will be to “blow the lid off” the global pandemic and restore order to a fractured society, a source involved in Trump’s Deep State purge told Real Raw News. The End Game is on: Trump Pledges to „Blow Lid off” Global Pandemic https://ift.tt/3kyrfTq

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“The Blessed Lord said: Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy!” (Bhagavad-gita, 4.5) Download this episode (right click and save) श्री-भगवान् उवाच बहूनि मे व्यतीतानि जन्मानि तव चार्जुन तान्य् अहं वेद सर्वाणि न त्वं वेत्थ परन्तप śrī-bhagavān uvāca bahūni… It’s Deja Vu All Over Again https://ift.tt/3rhJ8qV

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed the commencement of the all-important “Rukmini Kalyana” event, wherein Bhagawan Krishna is all set to marry Rukmini Devi, who is none other than the incarnation of Goddess Mahalakshmi. We had witnessed that whenever Bhagawan Vishnu incarnates in this world, Goddess Mahalakshmi also incarnates along with Him and protect […] Episode # 256 – Rukmini Devi expresses herself to Bhagawan Krishna!!! https://ift.tt/3ioahEp

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Śrīla Prabhupāda said: We have to earn some wealth just in order to push on with our material existence. In exchange for that wealth, we have to secure the necessities of life, and primarily, we have to cook something for our hungry stomach. For if we do not eat, we cannot keep a healthy body, and if we do not keep a healthy body, we cannot earn our livelihood.... https://ift.tt/3ippOnt

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„During the phase between July 16th through July 19th on the midpoint of July 17th, we have a more direct access to the entire angelic human tribal shield genetic records which include assorted fragments of information that are connected to historical events recorded in the organic timelines. This time portal opening is generally associated with […] LISA RENEE (Shifting Timelines): „The Lost Knowledge of Human Civilization” https://ift.tt/3ilRsBL

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sâmbătă.17.iulie.2021 Pe 21 octombrie 2004, Agenția Națională de Securitate(NSA) din SUA, a făcut public un document prin care se atestă că de-a lungul timpului au fost primite mai multe mesaje extraterestre.Acestea, în număr de 29, au fost recepționate, dar nu au putut fi decodate pentru că tehnologia din vremea respectivă nu o permitea. 29 de […] – Mesaje extraterestre , cum au vrut extratereștrii să ia legătura cu noi – https://ift.tt/3BeYH73

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17.iulie.2021 @Writes_SweeneyUnul dintre fondatorii unui nou grup format luna trecută, Coaliția Internațională de Cercetare Extraterestră, explică misiunea sa către RT.com – și de ce este convins că extratereștrii vizitează frecvent Pământul. Străinii au baze sub ocean și încearcă să descurajeze rasa umană de armele nucleare, din cauza potențialelor daune catastrofale. În unele părți, această declarație […] – Și dacă sintem furnicile din această rețea de civilizații ? Intreabă expertul OZN , deoarece spune că ar trebui să ne pregătim pentru contactul iminent al ET – https://ift.tt/3z70qtm

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“As a ripe fruit has no other fear than to fall, so a man who is born has no other fear than death.” (Lord Rama, Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kand, 105.17) Download this episode (right click and save) यथा फलानां पक्वानां नान्यत्र पतनाद्भयम्। एवं नरस्य जातस्य नान्यत्र मरणाद्भयम्।। yathā phalānāṃ pakvānāṃ nānyatra patanādbhayam। evaṃ narasya jātasya… The Early Life Crisis https://ift.tt/3exbwjr

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed the final few points of discussion under the Shri Vishnu Puraana project wherein we had spoken at length on how things would span out in the Kali Yuga. We had witnessed Sage Paraashara narrate an anecdote involving Sage Veda-Vyaasa and how Sage Vyaasa conceptualized the Kali Yuga. In […] Episode $ 255 – Rukmini Devi’s unconditional love and surrender towards Bhagawan Krishna!!! https://ift.tt/3rgeFcy

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We have previously covered the story of Dr. Charles Hoffe, the brave doctor who has been practicing medicine for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada. After he had administered about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA COVID-19 injections, he sounded the alarm over the severe reactions he […] DR. CHARLES HOFFE: „62% Of COVID Vax-Jab Survivors Will Have Heart Damage Until The Day They Die — Which Will Likely Be — Soon” https://ift.tt/3kupOFe

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“The Lord is not directly concerned with the maintenance and sustenance of this material manifestation. Sometimes we see a picture of Atlas holding the globe on his shoulders; he seems to be very tired, holding this great earthly planet. Such an image should not be entertained in connection with Krishna’s upholding this created universe. He… The Tireless One https://ift.tt/3etvI5E

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed the continuation of Sage Veda-Vyaasa’s accord on the three things that would gain extraordinary prominence during this Kali Yuga. One was Shudras, the second one being women and the tone being “Kali”. Sage Paraashara clearly explains how these three would gain prominence and how easy it would be […] Episode # 253 – Attaining “Moksha” in this Kali Yuga is easy! BUT….. https://ift.tt/3BcyCWk

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TEXT 43 utsanna-kula-dharmāṇāṁ manuṣyāṇāṁ janārdana narake niyataṁ vāso bhavatīty anuśuśruma SYNONYMS utsanna—spoiled; kula-dharmāṇām—of those who have the family traditions; manuṣyāṇām—of such men; janārdana—O Kṛṣṇa; narake—in hell; niyatam—always; vāsaḥ—residence; bhavati—it so becomes; iti—thus; anuśuśruma—I have heard by disciplic succession. TRANSLATION O Kṛṣṇa, maintainer of the people, I have heard by disciplic succession that those who destroy family traditions dwell always in hell.... https://ift.tt/3eqBEfL

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* इन वर्णसंकरकारक दोषों से कुलघातियों के सनातन कुल-धर्म और जाति-धर्म नष्ट हो जाते हैं। *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 43* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/3esTq2e

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Major developments have been taking place behind the scenes recently as both the British Royals and the P3 Freemasons have declared war against the Rothschild family and the Swiss-based Octagon group, MI6 and P3 sources say. Benjamin Fulford Report: „Great Victory for Humanity” – July 12, 2021 https://ift.tt/2Uc9G0G

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“The scope of morbidity is striking, evidencing a lot of incidents and what amounts to a large number of ill from blood clots, autoimmune reactions, to neurological damages, the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. There are at least […] DR. TESS LAWRIE: „From Blood Clots To Autoimmune Reactions To Neurological Damage — COVID Vaccines Are Unsafe For Humans — The Scope Of Morbidity Is Striking” https://ift.tt/3z2YfqK

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“The Lord says that everything is resting on Him. This should not be misunderstood. The Lord is not directly concerned with the maintenance and sustenance of this material manifestation. Sometimes we see a picture of Atlas holding the globe on his shoulders; he seems to be very tired, holding this great earthly planet. Such an… I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired https://ift.tt/36DPO9h

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed two out of the three things that would gain a lot of prominence in this Kali Yuga, as per Sage Veda-Vyaasa’s narrative. Sage Paraashara is explaining this to Sage Maithreya to highlight the characteristics of this Kali Yuga and how it is going to pan out in the […] Episode # 252 – It is the easiest to attain “Moksha” during the Kali Yuga – Sage Veda-Vyasa explains!!! https://ift.tt/2VGFmeK

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de Vlad Pârău Dr. Ryan Cole, CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics regarding Covid, vaccine, & treatments..mp4 from Paul Rainville on Vimeo. ActiveNews se confruntă cu cenzura pe rețele sociale și pe internet. Intrați direct pe site pentru a ne citi și abonați-vă la buletinul nostru gratuit. Dacă doriți să ne sprijiniți, orice donație este binevenită. Doamne, ajută! Dr. Ryan Cole, […]... https://ift.tt/2VKUsQB

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Alien Base discovered in the Bucegi Mountains-Romania.spread the word.pdf.pdfDescarcă https://ift.tt/3khVca9

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“The Blessed Lord said: My dear Arjuna, O son of Pritha, behold now My opulences, hundreds of thousands of varied divine forms, multicolored like the sea.” (Bhagavad-gita, 11.5) Download this episode (right click and save) श्री-भगवान् उवाच पश्य मे पार्थ रूपाणि शतशो ‘थ सहस्रशः नाना-विधानि दिव्यानि नाना-वर्णाकृतीनि च śrī-bhagavān uvāca paśya me pārtha rūpāṇi śataśo […] Why Is It Important To Define God https://ift.tt/3B4VjLX

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Sat-saṅga, the company of the ‘Sat’ or the devotees of Bhagavān is rightly understood to be crucial in one’s turning toward Bhagavān. Śrī Jīva Goswami explains this in detail in the Bhakti Sandarbha where he cites several verses from the Bhāgavata. Misunderstanding such verses, many think that bhakti is impossible without joining organizations where ‘association’ […] Who is ‘Sat’ in ‘Sat-saṅga’? https://ift.tt/3B47poI

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14.iulie.2021 Evoluții majore au avut loc în spatele scenei recent, atât regalii britanici, cât și francmasonii P3 au declarat război împotriva familiei Rothschild și a grupului Octagon cu sediul în Elveția, spun sursele MI6 și P3. Eliberarea poporului evreu ținut ostatic în Israel este de asemenea în curs, spun surse din Mossad. Când praful se […] – Marea victorie pentru umanitate , deoarece regalii europeni se leapădă de Rothschildzi . Voi decideti ce alegeti sa credeti , cum sa va mobilizati si ce sa faceti cu vietile voastre ! – https://ift.tt/3rbdZVP

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“These agents are coming to your home with one purpose in mind: to collect information on you. It’s a form of intimidation, of course. The more information you give them, the more it can be used against you. Just ask them politely but firmly to leave. Under the First Amendment, you don’t have to speak […] JOHN W. WHITEHEAD: „What To Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking On Your Door To Gab About The Jab” https://ift.tt/3igMJkZ

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In the previous episode, we witnessed a very interesting conversation between a group of Maharishis and Sage Vyaasa with regards to the Kali Yuga and how is it going to pan out in the future. This conversation is being narrated by Sage Paraashara to Sage Maithreya, and Sage Vyaasa explains a very important point here. […] Episode # 251 – Why are Shudras & women at an advantage during this Kali Yuga? Sage Vyaasa explains!!! https://ift.tt/3B3Mja7

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Śrīla Prabhupāda said: The Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises Marshal Arjuna in the following words: "O Arjuna, you must always do your duty. To do something is far better than to do nothing. You cannot even secure your everyday sustenance without doing any work." Message of Godhead-His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda -- https://ift.tt/3eiXzFC

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* वर्णसंकर कुलघातियों को और कुल को नरक में ले जाने के लिए ही होता है। लुप्त हुई पिण्ड और जल की क्रिया वाले अर्थात श्राद्ध और तर्पण से वंचित इनके पितर लोग भी अधोगति को प्राप्त होते हैं। *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 42* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/3ifGz4C

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“The Blessed Lord said: My dear Arjuna, O son of Pritha, behold now My opulences, hundreds of thousands of varied divine forms, multicolored like the sea.” (Bhagavad-gita, 11.5) Download this episode (right click and save) श्री-भगवान् उवाच पश्य मे पार्थ रूपाणि शतशो ‘थ सहस्रशः नाना-विधानि दिव्यानि नाना-वर्णाकृतीनि च śrī-bhagavān uvāca paśya me pārtha rūpāṇi śataśo… How Was Arjuna Sure That The Virata-Rupa Was Real https://ift.tt/3hCX5w8

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Scriu rareori despre Hollywood sau industria filmului, în primul rând pentru că există o mare varietate de analiști și youtuberi în mass-media alternative care discută despre bizarele comportamente și transgresiuni ale Orășelului de Staniol, și o fac zilnic. Totuși, mi se petrece când și când să constat că evenimentele de la Hollywood reflectă o […] – Prizonieratul societăților – va fi lumea întreagă într-o zi ca Hollywoodul ? – https://ift.tt/3yY8rks

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Scriu rareori despre Hollywood sau industria filmului, în primul rând pentru că există o mare varietate de analiști și youtuberi în mass-media alternative care discută despre bizarele comportamente și transgresiuni ale Orășelului de Staniol, și o fac zilnic. Totuși, mi se petrece când și când să constat că evenimentele de la Hollywood reflectă o […] – Prizonieratul societăților – va fi lumea întreagă într-o zi ca Hollywoodul ? – https://ift.tt/2U1ic2t

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Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Light Forces have managed to completely clear all underground bases of the Chimera breakaway civilization, including the Congo complex. Cobra’s Planetary Situation Update: July 13, 2021 https://ift.tt/3khexrS

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed how we can still evade the “Karma” cycle in this Kali Yuga and attain “Moksha”. The only solution for this is to exhibit complete surrender towards Bhagawan’s divine lotus feet. We as normal “Jeevatmas” do not have the power and capacity to “force ourselves” out of this Karma […] Episode # 250 – Three “revered” people in the Kali Yuga – Sage Vyaasa explains!!! https://ift.tt/3eifZ9F

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de Vlad Pârău Dr. Ryan Cole, CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics regarding Covid, vaccine, & treatments..mp4 from Paul Rainville on Vimeo. ActiveNews se confruntă cu cenzura pe rețele sociale și pe internet. Intrați direct pe site pentru a ne citi și abonați-vă la buletinul nostru gratuit. Dacă doriți să ne sprijiniți, orice donație este binevenită. Doamne, ajută! Dr. Ryan Cole, […]... https://ift.tt/36yqTE0

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Graphene Oxide (GO for short) – I know … a new possible fear porn, but still you should at least stay informed. Graphene Oxide: The Real Reason for „COVID-19”? https://ift.tt/3kiFXOh

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“We may be very proud of our eyes, but we cannot even see our next-door neighbor. People challenge, ‘Can you show me God?’ But what can they see? What is the value of their eyes? God is not cheap. We cannot see anything, not to speak of God, without sunshine. Without sunlight we are blind.… Five Ridiculous Questions To Pose To A Person of Authority https://ift.tt/2VtcxlU

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed how Kali Yuga is advantageous, although it can be treacherous in many ways. We’ve of course witnessed how “Adharma” would be at its highest peak during the Kali Yuga and how Bhagawad Bhakti would get diminished dramatically with time. People would adopt wrong and illegal ways and means […] Episode # 249 – Getting out of the “Karma” cycle in this Kali Yuga – Is it possible? https://ift.tt/3hZ2g8K

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* हे कृष्ण! पाप के अधिक बढ़ जाने से कुल की स्त्रियाँ अत्यन्त दूषित हो जाती हैं और हे वार्ष्णेय! स्त्रियों के दूषित हो जाने पर वर्णसंकर उत्पन्न होता है। *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 41* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/2U1YhQP

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“I am now unable to stand here any longer. I am forgetting myself, and my mind is reeling. I foresee only evil, O killer of the Keshi demon.” (Arjuna, Bhagavad-gita, 1.30) Download this episode (right click and save) न च शक्नोम्य् अवस्थातुं भ्रमतीव च मे मनः निमित्तानि च पश्यामि विपरीतानि केशव na ca śaknomy avasthātuṁ… Did Not Arjuna Put Too Much Pressure On Krishna https://ift.tt/3z2Jmoz

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We’re in the midst of discussing the treacherous effects of the Kali Yuga as narrated by Sage Paraashara to Sage Maithreya. In fact, this the second accord that we’re seeing about how the Kali Yuga would pan out to be. We’ve earlier witnessed a similar accord that was equally scary, which was narrated by Sage […] Episode # 248 – Is it possible for us to attain “Moksha” in this Kali Yuga? Sage Paraashara has an answer!!! https://ift.tt/36yhMTE

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“The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 2.59) Download this episode (right click and save) विषया विनिवर्तन्ते निराहारस्य देहिनः रस-वर्जं रसो ऽप्य् अस्य परं दृष्ट्वा निवर्तते viṣayā vinivartante nirāhārasya… Do You Ever Think About How Easy Life As a Non-Devotee Would Be https://ift.tt/3APNcTA

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In the previous episode, we were amidst the description of the Kali Yuga, as narrated by Sage Paraashara to Sage Maithreya. Once Bhagawan Krishna leaves for Vaikunta, the Dwaapara Yuga comes to an end, and with this, the Kali Yuga takes over automatically. As the Kali Yuga commences, Sage Paraashara describes how this new Yuga […] Episode # 247 – People will run after money and fame during Kali Yuga – Sage Parashara thunders!!! https://ift.tt/36ws46K

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11.iulie.2021 Revoluția noastră a început Așteptarea și răbdarea este marea descoperire în trezirea în masă, altfel am fi fost deja eliberați de sclavia și oprimarea banilor. Este acum sau niciodată. Aceasta este singura noastră șansă unică de eliminare cu succes și definitivă a cabalei criminale Deep State. Dacă toți se trezesc din somn, vom avea suficientă […] – Trezirea în masă este necesară ! https://ift.tt/3yMLD6U

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11.iulie.2021 Potrivit Elenei Danaan , un fost arheolog francez profesionist , care pretinde ca ar fi in contact cu Federatia Galactica A Lumilor, un exod al unui german al 4 – lea Reich controlat „ Dark Fleet “ , este în prezent în curs de desfășurare si care creează un vid de putere prin care diferite națiuni încearcă să umple , construind baze […] – Flota întunecată a celui de-al 4-lea Reich abandonează Antarctica ? https://ift.tt/3yOJXd1

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– Mass awakening is necessary! – The man from the north https://ift.tt/3e3AoPO

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Śrīla Prabhupāda said: In the second chapter of Bhāgavad Gītā, the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises as follows: "Thus far I have explained to you about transcendental knowledge. Now I shall explain to you about work with transcendental results. By this work with transcendental results, you can get rid of the bondage of ordinary work. In this process there is no loss or diminution.... https://ift.tt/3ASrNsM

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“Suffering without knowledge, without remedy, is animal life. One who cannot understand that he is suffering and who thinks that he is very well off is in animal consciousness, not human consciousness. The human being should be cognizant of suffering the threefold miseries of this planet. One should know that he is suffering in birth,… The Advanced Potential For Intelligence Is Not A Curse https://ift.tt/3hYB7Tc

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed Bhagawan Krishna descending back to Vaikunta after a 120-year-long incarnation in this world. We had witnessed the sequence of events that led to Bhagawan Krishna transcending back to Vaikunta. We’ve witnessed the two curses – One of Sage Vishwamitra on the Yaadava community, and the other of Mother […] Episode # 246 – Advent of the “Kali Yuga” – Sage Parashara’s “scary” description!!! https://ift.tt/3r2ID3z

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All Radu Cinamar Series is now published online for All Readers. Good Readings everywhere & like’s to the max. of course. https://ift.tt/3yLGig2

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Do not find this information on Scribd.com & anywhere else. Share with friends 2themax Radu Cinamar-Second Tunnel-1.pdfDescarcă Radu Cinamar-07Cristalul eteric_ro_en_translated_copy.pdfDescarcă https://ift.tt/2TNnvCB

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Do not find this information on Scribd.com & anywhere else......... Share to everyone 2themax. Radu Cinamar Forgotten Genesis-Completed.pdfDescarcă Radu Cinamar-Second Tunnel.pdfDescarcă https://ift.tt/2TWCSZ9

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I have translated into English The Latest BooksVolumes by Radu Cinamar in PDF format for those Readers who not understand really Romanian Language. Nice Readings. https://ift.tt/3k5OAvg

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed two scenarios emerging – One with regards to the numerous small metallic pieces from the wooden plank being washed aside by the oceanic waves, and the second wherein a fish accidentally consumes one of the several metallic pieces that were floating in the sea water. This fish gets […] Episode # 245 – Bhagawan Krishna descends back to Vaikunta – Courtesy, a hunter!!! https://ift.tt/3dXCLn2

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Lord Brahma, the Creator had five heads and therefore he considered himself to be superior to Lord Shiva. Once when he went to Kailasa, he disrespected Lord Shiva. To teach him a lesson, Lord Shiva plucked off one of the head of Brahma and made the skull (kapala) into his begging bowl. Lord Brahma realized… Devi Karpagambal of Mayil-puri! https://ift.tt/3qX9Chd

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In the last 18 months, the US and other major countries have created national space forces to deal with threats in space, and have pledged to cooperate in a multinational alliance to deal with such threats. We are in an unprecedented era of disclosure as billions of people around the world are finally being told […] The Coming Alien False Flag Psyop – New Webinar https://ift.tt/2TVZysH

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Citiți Der Schatzberg Online de Radu Cinamar | Cărți https://ift.tt/3e47G1c

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kula-kṣhaye praṇaśhyanti kula-dharmāḥ sanātanāḥ dharme naṣhṭe kulaṁ kṛitsnam adharmo ’bhibhavaty uta When a dynasty is destroyed, its traditions get vanquished, and the rest of the family becomes involved in irreligion. ~ Chapter 1 Verse 40 Shared via Daily Bhagavat Gita - English App. Here https://ift.tt/2UzADLg

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* कुल के नाश से सनातन कुल-धर्म नष्ट हो जाते हैं तथा धर्म का नाश हो जाने पर सम्पूर्ण कुल में पाप भी बहुत फैल जाता है। *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 40* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/3dYk6Y9

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– Report: CCP turns 100 last week, US reaches 245 – – Man from the North https://ift.tt/2UuFC02

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iulie.7.2021 Săptămâna trecută, la cea de-a 100- a aniversare, partidul comunist chinez s-a lăudat cu succesul său. În același timp, patrioți din SUA au adunat pe 04 iulie , a 245 – a aniversare , de de Ziua Independenței . În timp ce SUA pot părea în jos și în afară acum, fiți siguri de îndată ce vor elimina infecția parazitară a mafiei khazare, […] – Raport : PCC a împlinit 100 de ani săptămâna trecută , SUA a ajuns la 245 – https://ift.tt/3Az2USZ

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iulie.7.2021 Alimente ultra-procesate, brevete și monoculturi Dacă Bill Gates are calea lui, mâncarea din viitorul nostru seamănă puțin cu ceea ce avem astăzi în farfurii. Gates și partenerii săi din industria agroalimentară propun să transforme mâncarea noastră și modul în care sunt produse. Pentru industriașii tehnico-alimentari, foamea și schimbările climatice sunt probleme de rezolvat cu […] – Bill Gates are planuri radicale de a ne schimba mâncarea .... https://ift.tt/2VkYMWz

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Expert OMS: Vaccinarea copiilor nu trebuie să fie o prioritate. Marinescu: Vaccinarea celor mici „ușurează mersul la distracție” Dr. Kate O’Brien, considerat expert de vârf al Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății, spune că imunizarea copiilor împotriva covid-19 nu este o prioritate ridicată pentru OMS. Dr. Kate O’Brien spune că minorii nu ar trebui să fie […] – Criminalii din România îi depășesc pe cei de la OMS. Gheorghiță vrea vaccinarea copiilor de la 6 luni în sus – https://ift.tt/2SZ4GMe

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Sindromul apocaliptic a fost „activat” in zilele noastre de doua evenimente tragice care aveau in comun moartea neasteptata a mai multor oameni si moartea naturala a unui singur om: tragedia – aranjata sau nu de serviciile secrete americane – a prabusirii Gemenilor din New York, din 11 septembrie 2001, si decesul Papei Ioan Paul al […] – Profetiile Sfantului Malachy- Abatele Malachia : 112 Papi . https://ift.tt/3wqzTpg

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“Eternal time in the form of death having arrived, you, O lowest of the Rakshasas, forcibly took me away from my husband. Now that very same death will kill you, your Rakshasa associates, and all those dwelling in your palaces.” (Sita Devi speaking to Ravana, Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kand, 56.17) Download this episode (right click… Three People Who Ruined It For Everyone https://ift.tt/3dW584X

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed a sequence of events that led to the destruction of the entire Yaadava community as Bhagawan Krishna prepares to leave for Vaikunta. There were multiple causes for this mass destruction, which started with Sage Vishwamitra cursing the Yaadavas for trying to fool him and insulting him and his […] Episode # 244 – Small metallic pieces – Are these going to destroy the Yaadavas? https://ift.tt/3hHa3b8

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TEXT 39 kula-kṣaye praṇaśyanti kula-dharmāḥ sanātanāḥ dharme naṣṭe kulaṁ kṛtsnam adharmo 'bhibhavaty uta SYNONYMS kula-kṣaye—in destroying the family; praṇaśyanti—becomes vanquished; kula-dharmāḥ—the family traditions; sanātanāḥ—eternal; dharme—in religion; naṣṭe—being destroyed; kulam—family; kṛtsnam—wholesale; adharmaḥ—irreligious; abhibhavati—transforms; uta—it is said. TRANSLATION With the destruction of dynasty, the eternal family tradition is vanquished, and thus the rest of the family becomes involved in irreligious practice. PURPORT In the system of the varṇāśrama institution there are many principles of religious traditions to help members of the family grow properly and attain spiritual values.... https://ift.tt/2TJYgAT

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* तो भी हे जनार्दन! कुल के नाश से उत्पन्न दोष को जानने वाले हम लोगों को इस पाप से हटने के लिए क्यों नहीं विचार करना चाहिए? *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 39* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/36gMikU

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By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedānta Swami Prabhupāda Translation: „Mahārāja Parīkṣit heard that out of His causeless mercy Lord Kṛṣṇa, or Viṣṇu, who is universally obeyed, rendered all kinds of service to the malleable sons of Pāṇḍu by accepting posts ranging from chariot driver to president to messenger, friend, night watchman, etc., according to […] KRISHNA IS THE SUPREME CONTROLLER BUT YET HE IS UNDER THE CONTROL OF HIS DEVOTEES https://ift.tt/3ytJxZr

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„By this time, most should, but few do, understand the poisonous and toxic nature of what is being called a ‘vaccine,’ and the wide array of deadly adjuvants, live animal tissue, biological additives, metals, nano-particles, gene-altering messenger-RNA, and of course many other unknown or purposely hidden toxins in this deadly concoction. But what else is […] GARY D. BARNETT: „Is Deadly Graphene Oxide from the Masks, Tests and Vaccines Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘COVID-19’?” https://ift.tt/3qPjb1q

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Analizarea SURSELOR RĂULUI Erei COVID: Răul ascuns la vedere. by IRINA BAZON ActiveNews se confruntă cu cenzura pe rețele sociale și pe internet. Intrați direct pe site pentru a ne citi și abonați-vă la buletinul nostru gratuit. Dacă doriți să ne sprijiniți, orice donație este binevenită. Doamne, ajută! Pandemia de COVID ajunge să fie cel mai important subiect […] „A amesteca politica, medicina și cenzura este un lucru extrem de periculos. Cea mai mare minciună: eradicarea pandemiei prin vaccinare” – Dr. Mark Sircus https://ift.tt/3hLwHPy

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“Lord Brahma said: O son of Kashyapa Muni, please get up, please get up. All good fortune unto you. You are now perfect in the performance of your austerities, and therefore I may give you a benediction. You may now ask from me whatever you desire, and I shall try to fulfill your wish.” (Shrimad… Why Am I Going To Help You Become God https://ift.tt/3qQ7Vlz

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed Sage Vishwamitra cursing the entire Yaadava community for the atrocity that they performed towards him. The Yaadavas wanted to insult Sage Vishwamitra and the power of his penance. For that, they brought a man in front of him who was dressed as a woman, with a wooden plank […] Episode # 202 – Mother Gaandhaari’s curse to Bhagawan Krishna!!! https://ift.tt/3qPAPlT

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yady apy ete na paśhyanti lobhopahata-chetasaḥ kula-kṣhaya-kṛitaṁ doṣhaṁ mitra-drohe cha pātakam kathaṁ na jñeyam asmābhiḥ pāpād asmān nivartitum kula-kṣhaya-kṛitaṁ doṣhaṁ prapaśhyadbhir janārdana Their thoughts are overpowered by greed and they see no wrong in annihilating their relatives or wreaking treachery upon friends. Yet, O Janardan (Krishna), why should we, who can clearly see the crime in killing our kindred, not turn away from this sin? ~ Chapter 1 Verse 38 - 39 Shared via Daily Bhagavat Gita - English App. https://ift.tt/36gML6G

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* यद्यपि लोभ से भ्रष्टचित्त हुए ये लोग कुल के नाश से उत्पन्न दोष को और मित्रों से विरोध करने में पाप को नहीं देखते। *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 38* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/3AJ4baa

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– „ Ce este Marea Resetare ? ” – Un videoclip flagrant marca Forumul Economic Mondial – – Omul Din Nord https://ift.tt/3AywvM3

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This is a stunning interview from the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich interviews Whitney Webb, who is an author and researcher. Whitney Webb details the people, organizations and companies orchestrating the “pandemic”. If you’ve wondered how this all began, watch this video. Whitney’s facts are spot on and nothing less than shocking. WATCH VIDEO HERE!!! ~via BeforeIt’sNews.com ‘SHOCKING’ MUST-SEE VIDEO!!! ~ Whitney Webb: „The Devil Is In the Details” https://ift.tt/3hIhKhl

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iulie.5.2021. Va recomand studiul atent . In cazul in care se va intampla , sa nu va fi culcat pe-o urecehe , doar pentru ca ati auzit deja despre . Forumul Economic Mondial a postat la începutul anului un video de promovare a Marii Resetări, referindu-se la teoriile conspirației din jurul ei. Rezultatul: un videoclip […] – „ Ce este Marea Resetare ? ” – Un videoclip flagrant marca Forumul Economic Mondial – https://ift.tt/2TyxTxU

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“Lord Brahma said: O son of Kashyapa Muni, please get up, please get up. All good fortune unto you. You are now perfect in the performance of your austerities, and therefore I may give you a benediction. You may now ask from me whatever you desire, and I shall try to fulfill your wish.” (Shrimad… Baffling The Baffler https://ift.tt/3jMimF7

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed Bhagawan Krishna deciding to descend back to Vaikunta as His tenure in this world was coming to a close. He thinks of ways to execute this, and as He does so, the Yaadavas take the center-stage. As the Yaadavas were thinking too much about themselves with Bhagawan Krishna […] Episode # 242 – Sage Vishwamitra curses the entire Yadava clan!!! https://ift.tt/3hDh7Wi

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TEXT 2 yad vā ayaṁ mantra-kṛd vo bhagavān akhileśvaraḥ pauravendra-gṛhaṁ hitvā praviveśātmasāt kṛtam SYNONYMS yat—the house; vai—what else is there to say; ayam—Śrī Kṛṣṇa; mantra-kṛt—minister; vaḥ—you people; bhagavān—the Personality of Godhead; akhila-īśvaraḥ—the Lord of everything; pauravendra—Duryodhana; gṛham—house; hitvā—giving up; praviveśa—entered; ātmasāt—identify with oneself; kṛtam—so accepted. TRANSLATION What else is there to say about the residential house of the Pāṇḍavas? Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the Lord of everything, acted as your minister.... https://ift.tt/3dFXX0P

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TEXTS 37-38 yady apy ete na paśyanti lobhopahata-cetasaḥ kula-kṣaya-kṛtaṁ doṣaṁ mitra-drohe ca pātakam kathaṁ na jñeyam asmābhiḥ pāpād asmān nivartitum kula-kṣaya-kṛtaṁ doṣaṁ prapaśyadbhir janārdana SYNONYMS yadi—if; api—certainly; ete—they; na—do not; paśyanti—see; lobha—greed; upahata—overpowered; cetasaḥ—the hearts; kula-kṣaya—in killing the family; kṛtam—done; doṣam—fault; mitra-drohe—quarreling with friends; ca—also; pātakam—sinful reactions; katham—why; na—shall not; jñeyam—know this; asmābhiḥ—by us; pāpāt—from sins; asmāt—ourselves; nivartitum—to cease; kula-kṣaya—the destruction of a dynasty; kṛtam—by so doing; doṣam—crime; prapaśyadbhiḥ—by those who can see; janārdana—O Kṛṣṇa.... https://ift.tt/3xjGgfj

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* अतएव हे माधव! अपने ही बान्धव धृतराष्ट्र के पुत्रों को मारने के लिए हम योग्य नहीं हैं क्योंकि अपने ही कुटुम्ब को मारकर हम कैसे सुखी होंगे? *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 37* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/3xwumip

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Indian People’s on the top 😂 https://ift.tt/3As6azm

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“The Luciferian-Satanic death cult bloodlines are connected to over 500 global Power Elite families, in which they are dedicated to the cult’s overall agendas of preserving power through blood ritual practices and the mainstreaming of Satanic ideology, while administering to the One World Order objectives that serve their NAA overlords. There are no sovereign nations […] LISA RENEE: „Luciferian-Satanic Death Cult Bloodlines” https://ift.tt/2TDS25B

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de Vlad Pârău ActiveNews se confruntă cu cenzura pe rețele sociale și pe internet. Intrați direct pe site pentru a ne citi și abonați-vă la buletinul nostru gratuit. Dacă doriți să ne sprijiniți, orice donație este binevenită. Doamne, ajută! Cercetătorii doresc să folosească psihologia pentru a promova vaccinurile, observând cum clienții iau decizii într-un proces de gândire, de […] Forumul Economic Mondial propune un PLAN PSIHOLOGIC pentru „eradicarea ezitării față de vaccinuri” https://ift.tt/2ST0PjO

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“Prahlada Maharaja said: My dear King, the source of my strength, of which you are asking, is also the source of yours. Indeed, the original source of all kinds of strength is one. He is not only your strength or mine, but the only strength for everyone. Without Him, no one can get any strength.… Position And Opposition https://ift.tt/2TAF9cs

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed Bhagawan Krishna neutralizing the threat of Baanaasura to the world. As per the sequence, we’ve witnessed how Baanaasura’s daughter, Usha fell in love with Aniruddha, Bhagawan Krishna’s grandson. Eventually, Aniruddha was “transported” to Baanaasura’s palace and both Usha and Aniruddha started “living together” without anyone’s notice. As Baanaasura […] Episode # 241 – Bhagawan Krishna decides to descend back to Vaikunta – After 120 years!!! https://ift.tt/2V3bd97

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nihatya dhārtarāṣhṭrān naḥ kā prītiḥ syāj janārdana pāpam evāśhrayed asmān hatvaitān ātatāyinaḥ tasmān nārhā vayaṁ hantuṁ dhārtarāṣhṭrān sa-bāndhavān sva-janaṁ hi kathaṁ hatvā sukhinaḥ syāma mādhava O Maintainer of all living entities, what pleasure will we derive from killing the sons of Dhritarasthra? Even though they may be aggressors, sin will certainly come upon us if we slay them. Hence, it does not behoove us to kill our own cousins, the sons of Dhritarashtra, and friends.... https://ift.tt/2V1o6Ax

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* हे जनार्दन! धृतराष्ट्र के पुत्रों को मारकर हमें क्या प्रसन्नता होगी? इन आततायियों को मारकर तो हमें पाप ही लगेगा। *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 36* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/3qKUsvi

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– E-mailul care arunca-n aer Planeta : Epidemiologul Neil Ferguson transmite regia uriașei Operatiuni “Lockdown UK 2021” – – Omul Din Nord https://ift.tt/3jGzH2k

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4.07.2021 Un document de o gravitate exceptionala face inconjorul internetului, pe retele de socializare si pe siteuri anti-sistem. In caz ca se va dovedi adevarat, desi este negat cu vehementa, fiind catalogat ca fake-news, atunci arunca in aer intregul mecanism al autoritatii din Marea Britanie si nu numai, caci impactul ar fi unul planetar, legat […] – E-mailul care arunca-n aer Planeta : Epidemiologul Neil Ferguson transmite regia uriașei Operatiuni „Lockdown UK 2021” – https://ift.tt/3AoyQcy

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4.iulie.2021 Co-fondatorul site-ului LifeSiteNews, John-Henry Westen, alături de cercetătoarea în domeniul imunizării Pamela Acker, au discutat conținutul vaccinurilor împotriva coronavirusului Wuhan (COVID-19) care includ ingrediente derivate de la bebeluși umani avortați. Pamela Acker Acker a dezvăluit că vaccinurile împotriva coronavirusului produse de Moderna și Pfizer, care conțin tehnologie ARN mesager (ARNm), au fost dezvoltate folosindu-se celule HEK-293, care […] – Sadism medical : Țesut de la fetuşi avortaţi , este utilizat în mod obișnuit în vaksynurile împotriva koronavyrusului pentru a „ codifica ” proteinele spike https://ift.tt/3qLheD8

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“We must always engage our minds in reading these Vedic literatures. Just as materialists engage their minds in reading newspapers, magazines and so many materialistic literatures, we must transfer our reading to these literatures which are given to us by Vyasadeva; in that way it will be possible for us to remember the Supreme Lord… Five Benefits From Reading Vedic Literature https://ift.tt/3dD1VXW

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed Baanaasura getting angry with his daughter, Usha for “living in” with Aniruddha, who was Bhagawan Krishna’s grandson. We’ve witnessed how it was Aniruddha’s turn to fall in love with Usha as he met her for the first time. Chitralekha’s men had managed to trace the whereabouts of Aniruddha […] Episode # 240 – Bhagawan Krishna chops off Baanaasura’s hands and defeats him!!! https://ift.tt/3dH3FiQ

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Śrīla Prabhupāda said: The learned scholar, who is aware of this transcendental knowledge, does not try to annihilate anyone or order anyone annihilated, like a fool. One may then ask this question: What was the purpose for which Arjuna fought on the battlefield of Kuruksetra? The answer is plain and simple. The fight that is fought in pursuance of military duty touches the body only.... https://ift.tt/3AsFkHd

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TEXTS 32-35 kiṁ no rājyena govinda kiṁ bhogair jīvitena vā yeṣām arthe kāṅkṣitaṁ no rājyaṁ bhogāḥ sukhāni ca ta ime 'vasthitā yuddhe prāṇāṁs tyaktvā dhanāni ca ācāryāḥ pitaraḥ putrās tathaiva ca pitāmahāḥ mātulāḥ śvaśurāḥ pautrāḥ śyālāḥ sambandhinas tathā etān na hantum icchāmi ghnato 'pi madhusūdana api trailokya-rājyasya hetoḥ kiṁ nu mahī-kṛte nihatya dhārtarāṣṭrān naḥ kā prītiḥ syāj janārdana SYNONYMS kim—what use; naḥ—to us; rājyena—is the kingdom; govinda—O Kṛṣṇa; kim—what; bhogaiḥ—enjoyment; jīvitena—by living; vā—either; yeṣām—for whom; arthe—for the matter of; kāṅkṣitam—desired; naḥ—our; rājyam—kingdom; bhogāḥ—material enjoyment; sukhāni—all happiness; ca—also; te—all of them; ime—these; avasthitāḥ—situated; yuddhe—in this battlefield; prāṇān—lives; tyaktvā—giving up; dhanāni—riches; ca—also; ācāryāḥ—teachers; pitaraḥ—fathers; putrāḥ—sons; tathā—as well as; eva—certainly; ca—also; pitāmahāḥ—grandfathers; mātulāḥ—maternal uncles; śvaśurāḥ—fathers-in-law; pautrāḥ—grandsons; śyālāḥ—brothers-in-law; sambandhinaḥ—relatives; tathā—as well as; etān—all these; na—never; hantum—for killing; icchāmi—do I wish; ghnataḥ—being killed; api—even; madhusūdana—O killer of the demon Madhu (Kṛṣṇa); api—even if; trailokya—of the three worlds; rājyasya—of the kingdoms; hetoḥ—in exchange; kim—what to speak of; nu—only; mahī-kṛte—for the sake of earth; nihatya—by killing; dhārtarāṣṭrān—the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra; naḥ—our; kā—what; prītiḥ—pleasure; syāt—will there be; janārdana—O maintainer of all living entities.... https://ift.tt/3hbIUhx

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*|| भगवद् गीता विचार ||* हे मधुसूदन! मुझे मारने पर भी अथवा तीनों लोकों के राज्य के लिए भी मैं इन सबको मारना नहीं चाहता, फिर पृथ्वी के लिए तो कहना ही क्या है? *अध्याय- 1 श्लोक- 35* Download Bhagavad Gita App: https://ift.tt/3Am9wE2

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In America you can get a free doughnut if you live in the right place and agree to have yourself jabbed with the toxic, experimental brew known as the COVID-19 jab. But there are no free doughnuts available in the UK. Here all you get if you have a COVID-19 jab is a free blood […] DR. VERNON COLEMAN: „Free Blood Clots with Every COVID Jab” https://ift.tt/3qJVoQx

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3.iulie.2021 Buletin biometric ( cu card de sănătate încorporat )După cum ştiţi, România este obligată să emită documente electronice de identitate începând din luna august a anului 2021. Cărțile de identitate cu cip vor conţine şi date biometrice. Autoritățile se gândesc să includă în noua carte de identitate electronică și cardul electronic de sănătate, iar […] – În 2021, semnul fiarei intră pe ultima turnantă : ANAF – bănci / recensământ / buletin biometric / vaccinare cu paşaport de imunitate – https://ift.tt/3hxfCcc

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( ignorati micile impedimente ocazionale ale traducerii ) De dragul celor care doresc să trăiască în negare și să-și îngroape capul în nisip, vom exprima o dragoste puțin dură. Este incontestabil acum că tocmai am experimentat un atac cibernetic și biologic asupra Americii și a lumii. Extrema fraudă electorală acum dovedită, măsurile draconice de închidere a Americii […] – Sfarsitul nebuniei si zilele care au sa vina – https://ift.tt/3h9Lgxo

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– Report: As victory approaches the white hats, the Yalta conference is planned – – The Man from the North https://ift.tt/3ApKcNE

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– Essential revelations about the true hidden purposes of this artificial “pandemic”… (II) – The Man from the North https://ift.tt/2Ts015D

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Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis As Victory Nears White Hats Plan Yalta Type Conference By Benjamin FulfordJune 28, 2021 Victory in the battle for Planet Earth is now within the grasp of the White Hats. For that reason, a Yalta-type conference is being planned for this autumn to determine exactly how to manage the transition… Benjamin Fulford Report: “White Hats Plan Conference” — June 28, 2021 https://ift.tt/3hrwp07

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1.iulie.2021 … prin care se urmăreşte totodată o funestă şi satanică păcălire a tuturor oamenilor , spre a accepta o definitivă marcare izotopică prin consimţământ cu sinistrul semn diabolic al Fiarei despre care există deja profeţii clare în Apocalipsă Citiţi prima parte a articolului care poate fi regasit in cronologie . Dat fiind faptul că actualmente, iată, […] – Dezvăluiri esenţiale referitoare la adevăratele scopuri ascunse ale acestei „pandemii”artificiale… (II) https://ift.tt/3dD46Lg

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1.iulie.2021 Victoria în lupta pentru planeta Pământ se află acum la îndemâna pălăriilor albe. Din acest motiv, o conferință de tip Yalta este planificată pentru această toamnă pentru a determina exact cum să gestionăm tranziția către o nouă eră, potrivit mai multor surse implicate. Participanții la conferință vor include reprezentanți ai familiei Dragon, din Hongmen, din Commonwealth-ul […] – Raport : În timp ce victoria se apropie de pălăriile albe , se planifică conferința de tip Yalta – https://ift.tt/3jzBarb

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āchāryāḥ pitaraḥ putrās tathaiva cha pitāmahāḥ mātulāḥ śhvaśhurāḥ pautrāḥ śhyālāḥ sambandhinas tathā etān na hantum ichchhāmi ghnato ’pi madhusūdana api trailokya-rājyasya hetoḥ kiṁ nu mahī-kṛite Teachers, fathers, sons, grandfathers, maternal uncles, grandsons, fathers-in-law, grand-nephews, brothers-in-law, and other kinsmen are present here, staking their lives and riches. O Madhusudan, I do not wish to slay them, even if they attack me. If we kill the sons of Dhritarashtra, what satisfaction will we derive from the dominion over the three worlds, what to speak of this Earth? ~ Chapter 1 Verse 34 - 35 Shared via Daily Bhagavat Gita - English App. Here https://ift.tt/3h83SO8

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“For the devotees there is no need for performance of prescribed sacrifices because the very life of the devotee i a symbol of sacrifice.” (Shrila Prabhupada, Shrimad Bhagavatam, 1.16.20 Purport) Download this episode (right click and save) 1. Is it because of their dress? “Similar to the military man, the police officer, or the fireman,… Four Questions For Why I Might Respect Saintly People https://ift.tt/3ya6aCa

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In the previous episode, we had witnessed Bhagawan Krishna granting the highest “Moksha” to Muchukunda, after he burns down Kaalayavana. We’ve witnessed how Kaalayavana came in the direct firing line of Muchukunda who was in deep slumber for so many decades continuously. As Bhagawan Krishna grants “Moksha” to Muchukunda, we’ve witnessed a stark comparison of […] Episode # 237 – Bhagawan Krishna establishes a mammoth kingdom at “Dwaraka”!!! https://ift.tt/3dzeTWB

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– Pharmaceutical industry laws, disease business – – The Man from the North https://ift.tt/3dzyN3X

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